Page 42 - Annual Report 2018
P. 42

Royal Health Awareness Society
              Annual Report 2018


               RHAS established a new department for monitoring and improving
               organizational performance, and implemented several projects on developing
               medium and short-term plans, policies, processes, and systems to ensure
               higher effectiveness in achieving organizational goals and higher efficiency in
               implementing programs.

         2018 Achievements and Results

           During 2018, RHAS organizational performance development department has:
           •	 Received a technical assistance grant from USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program to

               assess and review the Good Governance policies, regulations, and practices, and to
               develop RHAS Strategic Plan, where a review of RHAS Bylaws in light of the results of good
               governance assessment was done, and ensured the compliance to good governance and
               transparency principles.
           •	 Developed good governance instructions and policies, such as: RHAS Inclusion & Equity
               Policy; Conflict of Interest Regulations; and RHAS Whistleblowing Policy.
           •	 On Strategic Planning, reviewed the Mission to give RHAS a bigger role in advocating for
               the provision of the conducive environment for the safe and healthy behaviors.
           •	 Developed RHAS’ Strategy (2018-2020), focusing on three main goals: (1) Raising
               awareness and empowerment of the community to adopt safe and healthy behaviors,
               (2) Contributing to the development and enforcement of health and safety policies and
               legislations, and (3) Positioning RHAS as a pioneering organization in preventive health
               and public safety at national, regional, and international levels.
           •	 Developed and implemented frameworks and procedures related to planning and
               monitoring programmatic and operational performance, specifically the Annual Planning
               Framework and the Strategic and Annual Performance Monitoring Frameworks.
           •	 On Programs Monitoring and Evaluation, the department conducted 42 Programs’ M&E
               activities: 24 Focus Group Discussions for beneficiaries, partners’ staff, and parents; 9 Key
               Informant Interviews; 9 surveys for programs’ training evaluation and measurement of
               behavioral change; and on-site monitoring visits were conducted for all programs, where
               results were reflected to to feed into programs improvement.

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