The Healthy Community Clinic program was officially launched in 2012 under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah at Ain Al Basha Health Center. The program aims to support health centers to provide preventive health services, and health awareness courses addressing common diseases and health problems. This is implemented through establishing awareness clinic within MOH comprehensive health centers that provide integrated services that raise awareness within local community and promotes the adoption of a healthy lifestyle that helps prevent chronic diseases.
The clinic provides the following services:
- Referring patients and those at risk to the Health Community Clinic through the healthy clinic doctors.
- Enrollment of the referred patients into Healthy Community Clinics, and providing them with a follow up plan.
-Conducting a series of awareness sessions that tackle non-communicable diseases for the program's beneficiaries.
- Follow-up with the beneficiaries by conducting periodic check-ups; diabetes, blood pressure, and weight. As well as, providing the doctor in charge with the necessary information.
- Providing all beneficiaries with personalized diet plans and encouraging them to exercise regularly.
-The HCC model integrates the Microclinic model into its diet and behavioral-change program.
Over the years, The Healthy Community Clinic program was funded with donations and grants from OCHA, Direct Relief, Americares, LDS Charity, Johnson & Johnson pharmaceuticals, Hikma pharmaceuticals, Jordan Bromine Company, Novartis, Medlabs, USAID, Merck pharmaceuticals , and World Diabetes Foundation.
-In 2006, Microclinic International, the Ministry of Health, and the Royal Health Awareness Society launched the Microclinic model in Jordan, where the trial was launched and was later expanded onto national level to become the first social network for diabetes prevention in the Middle East with the support of the World Diabetes Foundation, the International Diabetes Foundation, the German government and other international donors.
Post evaluation, and in sync with publishing the great results of the clinics impact, RHAS decided to integrate the model into the Healthy Community Clinic program.