Page 24 - Annual Report 2018
P. 24

Royal Health Awareness Society
    Annual Report 2018


    new councilors in 3 regions: north, middle    “I really value our meetings
    and south.                                  with the counsellor, I learned so
                                                 much on how to deal with my
    • 260 participating schools from the        children at this age and I hope
                                                that the program will continue
    previous academic year 2017-2018             to be implemented to protect
    continued implementation of the program.
                                                    our children from drugs”

     “The training I received has               Mohammad AlShorman
     added a lot to my skills and               Parent-King Abdullah School
    information, I feel it has made             Zarqa
     me more qualified to share
      the knowledge I acquired                             “I found the program to be very
                                                          effective because it targets both
                                                              students and their parents.
                                                              Program activities support
                                                               our educational plans as


    Laith AlOshosh                              Nia’ma AlSorakhi
    Peer Educator                               Counselor – AlKaramah Primary
                                                Mixed School

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