Page 29 - Annual Report 2018
P. 29

Royal Health Awareness Society
                                     Annual Report 2018

    “School feeding meals have         My work in the healthy kitchen
     contributed in increasing          leading us to work in a good
                                       team spirit in order to prepare
    students’ concentration and        Healthy meals to the students,
   attentiveness rates, while also   also it contributes in creating job
decreasing students’ consumption     opportunities for local community
 of unhealthy items like chips and    to improve our economic status.

                 candy”              Ala’a Rabaya’a
                                     Baker-Aqsa Kitchen-Madaba
Mariam Zoubi
School feeding focal point at
Khansa’ Mixed Elementary School –

    School feeding meals have
      contributed in reducing

absenteeism rate among students
 during school feeding days, and
 it also contributes in decreasing
 the financial burden on parents
   through saving the student’s
     personal daily allowance”

Abeer Bqour
School feeding focal point at South
Shuneh Mixed Elementary School -
South Shuneh

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