Page 31 - Annual Report 2018
P. 31

Royal Health Awareness Society
                                              Annual Report 2018

2018 Achievements and Results:                • Part of a research on Reproductive

• 30 students from various disciplines from   Health Education and Counselling among
                                              Jordanian University students was
the Hashemite University, University of       published in the Journal of Multidisciplinary
Jordan and Jordan University of Science       Healthcare.
and Technology attended a capacity
building workshop on zero-cost, youth         • A research project on interactive teaching
health initiatives. The workshop included
self-awareness sessions, community            approach in delivering reproductive health
awareness, team building and leadership       topics in universities, has been finalized.
skills. The students implemented three
on-campus health-based initiatives and        • An agreements were signed with Health
involved 2500 students.
                                              Services Delivery/USAID and University
• The interactive educational materials       of Jordan (JU) to implement Health
                                              Promotion Youth Clinic in the University
for reproductive health (RH) and health       of Jordan, where a specialized core team
promotion were implemented for a number       from the School of Nursing/ JU was trained
of classes and the number of registered       to deliver preventive youth friendly
students reached 6,915 students during        awareness services, on topics including:
2018 from different facilities.               Reproductive Health (RH), Family Planning,
                                              NCDs prevention, Nutrition, Obesity,
• The students evaluated the program, as      Physical Activity, and Anemia with focus on
                                              women within reproductive age.
a good experience, with useful knowledge
for their daily life and to prepared them     • Equipped the clinic with all needed
for their future life. They feel now more
proactive towards their families and people   materials and items to start implementing
around them as they are able to advise on     the project’s activities (awareness and
health issues. They are also more able to     counselling sessions).
protect themselves against GBV.

• Students participating said that they

were able to successfully work in teams
and plan their health initiatives. Moreover,
they developed leadership skills that
empowered them to transfer their
knowledge to the students’ community
during the events they held on campus.

• An agreement was signed with UNFPA to

implement Shabana for Health project in

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