A Queen Rania Initiative
RHAS develops and implements public health and safety awareness programs in partnership with the public and private sectors as well as civil society organizations.
Our community based programs are implemented in accordance with the needs of the communities and revolve around the national health priorities.
Raising public awareness on health issues through engaging messages.
Join us, and let us show you how you can invest in a healthier Jordan.
Our warmest gratitude to our partners and supports, meet our partners.
Read about our latest news, activites and events.
Contact our team at the Royal Health Awareness Society for any inquirers or feedback.
Home Page Programs Schools
We believe that our interventions led to a healthier and safer schools’ environment that contributed to children’s well-being and development through our Healthy schools and Think First projects.
According to a large multinational study, 10.7% of men but only 0.5% of women die from road injury. Drive safely, guys